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Articles by: platformops
<span class="vcard">platformops</span>
Accessing MyMaths at home
Archive tasks
Book a support call
Can I play games on MyMaths?
Can I play games on MyMaths?
Can I try tasks on my own?
Can I try tasks on my own?
Cancelling your subscription
Changing the deadline for a task
Changing your school’s account details
Checking your child’s progress on MyMaths
Creating a new class
Creating letters to send to parents
Creating new students
Curriculum Selector
Curriculum Selector to filter results
Curriculum support on MyMaths
DfE non-statutory guidance
Does MyMaths have revision activities?
Does MyMaths support my school’s curriculum?
Does MyMaths support White Rose Maths?
Downloading your students’ results
Edit the number of attempts for a task
Editing a student’s details
Forgotten login details
Forgotten login details
Further support and feedback
Giving students an extension
Helping your child with their MyMaths homework
Homework tasks
How do I do my homework?
How do I do my homework?
How do I see my results?
How do I see my scores?
In-school training for Secondary School teachers
Installing a new browser
Is MyMaths accessible?
Length of your subscription
Logging in to MyMaths
Logging in to MyMaths
Missing results
Monitoring homework
Monitoring results
My Portal
My Portal
MyMaths and Flash
Override a mark for a previous attempt
Primary curriculum support
Quick Guide for Teachers
Reminding students of their school login
Renewing your subscription
Saving your work
Saving your work
Secondary curriculum support
Sending messages to students
Setting a homework task
Setting an activity
Support for learning remotely with Primary MyMaths
Support for learning remotely with Secondary MyMaths
Support for teaching remotely
Supported browsers
Teacher Dashboard
Transferring or adding students to other classes
Using MyMaths ID codes to search for content
View a list of outstanding work
View all work set for an individual student
Viewing an individual student’s results
Viewing class results
Viewing results for a Booster Pack
Walk-through for parents
Walk-through for students
Walk-through for students
What is MyMaths?
What is MyMaths?
What MyMaths homework has my child has been set?
What should I do if my child has forgotten their login details?
What will my child be asked to do on MyMaths?
Where can I find my child’s log in details?
White Rose Maths
Why has my child been set a task from a different year group?
You’re registered for our MyMaths Primary webinar
You’re registered for our MyMaths Secondary webinar
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