Results can be accessed within the Allocation and Results areas of the Teacher Dashboard.
Use the Allocation area to get a quick view of results, teachers find this useful to get an overview of how students have performed on a particular homework. Read our support article on how to access the results summary.
For more detailed reporting use the Results area. Here you can look across multiple homeworks at once and drill down into all works completed by a class. Teachers find this more useful for termly reviews and end of topic reporting. Read on for details on how to view class results.
First log in to the Teacher Dashboard and go to the Results tab.
Click through to the class to which the student belongs, and click the student’s name from the top row of the results grid.
The screen that appears will show information on the tasks the student has completed, how many attempts they have had, their score, their rating of the task and a breakdown of their results for individual questions within a task. There is also the option to leave feedback on this screen.
If you are looking for work that a student has completed independently, you can easily identify this as the work will have no start date.