You can change the minimum pass mark for a specific task when you set a Homework or Worksheet task. You can also set a whole-school minimum pass mark.

How will students see the minimum pass mark?

After you set a minimum pass mark in a homework allocation, students will be informed of the pass percentage they need to achieve to complete the task. If a student does not meet or exceed the pass mark, the homework or worksheet will not leave their Homework list and they will be informed of this when they submit it.

Note, a homework or worksheet result will only register if over 0% is scored, so there is a default minimum pass mark of 1% applied to every allocation.

How to set a minimum pass mark

When setting a task you will notice ‘Minimum pass mark’ under optional. Here you can either type in the exact percentage you wish to set within the input box or choose from one of our quick selection buttons. Note that colour boundaries shown here and in the Results section relate to the score achieved, not to whether the pass mark was reached.

How to set a whole-school minimum pass mark

In the Admin section within the Teacher Dashboard, you will notice a section on the left-hand side called ‘Subscription Details’. Here you can select ‘edit’ to change the ‘School minimum passmark’ to the exact percentage you wish to set.